
Easy way to search in IIS logs

I’d like to show you a simple way to find any related information in IIS logs with PowerShell. Yeah, I know there are some tool which are useful to parse IIS logs, but I like scripting and playing with PowerShell.

I wrote a small script which can collect between start and end time IIS logs from a Web server and merge them into a CSV file which is useful to gain information or create small report based on parameters.

How the script works?

There are three parameter in order Name, StartTime and EndTime. Name represent the WebSite name which can be found to list all websites in a web server using Get-WebSite cmdlet. For the cmdlet you have to import WebAdministration module. Keep in mind since PowerShell 3.0, installed modules are automatically imported when you use any commands if $PSModuleAutoLoadingPreference preference variable is set to All. About preference variables.

Based on website name the script set the $LogFolder variable to the IIS log folder which contains related events for.

$LogFolder = Get-Website | ?{$_.Name -eq $Name} | Select @{N="LogFile";E={$_.LogFile.Directory + "\W3SVC" + $_.Id}}

Then collect log files from the folder, which are true for the Where-Object condition.

$LogFile = Get-ChildItem $LogFolder.LogFile | ?{$_.CreationTime -lt $EndTime -and $_.LastwriteTime -gt $StartTime}

Collect all rows from log files which contains the “Fields: ” text. We need heads for the .csv file.

$Heads = Get-Content $LogFile.FullName[0] | ?{$_ -match "#Fields: "}

Formad first line of $Heads and take it into a temporary file. I tried to avoid temporary file, but I could not solve import into CSV from variable.

$Heads[0] | %{$_ -replace "#Fields: ","" -replace "-","_" -replace "\(","" -replace "\)",""} | Out-File .\tempiislog.tmp

Append all events into the temporary file.

$LogFile | %{Get-Content $_.FullName} | ?{$_ -notlike "#*"} | Out-File .\tempiislog.tmp -Append

In the end select only rows from temp file which are exactly match for the criteria (date and time) and export into .csv file.

Import-Csv -Delimiter " " -Path .\tempiislog.tmp |
?{[datetime]($_.Date +" "+$_.Time) -gt $StartTime -and [datetime]($_.Date +" "+$_.Time) -lt $EndTime} |
Export-Csv -Path ("MergedIISLogs_{0:MMddyyHHmm}-" -f $StartTime + "{0:MMddyyHHmm}.log" -f $EndTime) -Delimiter ";"

Merged IIS log files can be found next to your script as MergedIISLogs_MMddyyHHmm-MMddyyHHmm.log in CSV format.

How can you search in IIS logs?

For example you can find all related entries where status code is “302” which is a redirection.

Import-Csv -Delimiter ";" -Path .\MergedIISLogs_xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx.log | Where-Object {$_.sc_status -match "302"}

Or you can find the slowest uri.

$maximum = (Import-Csv -Delimiter ";" -Path .\MergedIISLogs_xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx.log |
Measure-Object -Property time_taken -Maximum).maximum
Import-Csv -Delimiter ";" -Path .\MergedIISLogs_xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx.log | ?{$_.time_taken -eq $maximum}