
SharePoint Site Storage Management Information

Some days ago I got a job to collect and create report from a subsites size of site collection. I found several article which says the information can be collected from folder and subfolder files and their versioning size. However I wrote the script it did not convinced me about the result, because there is differential of the site collection size.  After some of searching I found a solution on the (SPUsedSpaceInfo) which gave me the best direction and I found the best method (spsite.storagemanagementinformation) in the source code for my script in PowerShell .

How it works?

param (
        [string]$Url = "",
        [boolean]$Export = $false
$Site = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite($Url)

$ListStorageInformation = $Site.StorageManagementInformation("List","Increasing","Size",0)
$DocumentLibraryStorageInformation = $Site.StorageManagementInformation("DocumentLibrary","Increasing","Size",0)
$DocumentStorageInformation = $Site.StorageManagementInformation("Document","Increasing","Size",0)
"Total size of List: {0:N2} MB" -f (($ListStorageInformation | Measure-Object -Property Size -Sum).Sum/1MB)
"Total size of DocumentLibrary: {0:N2} MB" -f (($DocumentLibraryStorageInformation | Measure-Object -Property Size -Sum).Sum/1MB)
"Total size of Document: {0:N2} MB" -f (($DocumentStorageInformation | Measure-Object -Property Size -Sum).Sum/1MB)

If ($Export -eq $true)
        $Path = (Get-Location).Path + "\" + "{0:ddMMyyHHmm}_" -f (Get-Date) + ($site.RootWeb -Replace " ","_") + "_List.csv"
        "Exporting all List Storage Information here: $Path"
        $ListStorageInformation | Select Directory, Title, Size, Count | Export-Csv -Path $Path -Delimiter ";"
        $Path = (Get-Location).Path + "\" + "{0:ddMMyyHHmm}_" -f (Get-Date) + ($site.RootWeb -Replace " ","_") + "_DocumentLibrary.csv"
        "Exporting all DocumentLibrary Storage Information here: $Path"
        $DocumentLibraryStorageInformation | Select Directory, Title, Size, Count | Export-Csv -Path $Path -Delimiter ";"
        $Path = (Get-Location).Path + "\" + "{0:ddMMyyHHmm}_" -f (Get-Date) + ($site.RootWeb -Replace " ","_") + "_Document.csv"
        "Exporting all DocumentLibrary Storage Information here: $Path"
        $DocumentStorageInformation | Select Directory, LeafName, TotalSize | Export-Csv -Path $Path -Delimiter ";"        

Collect total storage information per List, Document Library and Document:

.\Get-SPSiteStorageInformation -Url 

Collect storage information and export it into a simple report file in .csv format:

.\Get-SPSiteStorageInformation -Url  -Export $true